Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Combined 3 questions lab... so... 6 questions lab?


  • What did we do this week?
  • What did we learn?
  • What are we going to do?
This week was the week of redox reactions, and we also covered titrations (if memory serves). I learned ...about redox reactions. Really, nothing much stands out about that week but homecoming, and I only remember that because I forgot to wear a fancy hat that Tuesday.

Three questions about the past few weeks. 
Well, theater has been sucking what little life I have left, between Fright Fest, Nora's Lost, and Farmington one act festival (state champs yay sleepy time now). Reading Crime and Punishment in AP Lit has been interesting, if a little hard to follow occasionally. French is... french. C'est bien, mais ca n'est pas facile ("It's good, but it isn't easy" for the non-polyglots out there). The Common Application for colleges has been kicking my glutes every which way, and I still fail to see how the year my mom graduated is relevant. 
What have I learned recently? Arabic, I suppose. And chemistry stuff, but that bit's obvious. I've been a bit too busy to retain anything lately, but one-act is over, so that should tone down a bit. Theoretically.
What do I plan to do now? Catch up on my rest when I'm not in my French class (desolee, Madame). Still working on balancing life and school, especially in the creative area. I haven't heard the click of keyboard as I type out cheesy stories at one A.M. enough lately. I miss posting cringe-worthy fanfiction on the internet. [insert overly dramatized sigh here].

Monday, November 4, 2013

Really Late Sticky Situation Lab

Yeah this was due last Friday. I swear I will smack my forehead with some form of heavy book later. Right now I need all my brain cells to do this blog. So, without further ado, A Sticky Situation, The Blog.

  • Review the definition and process of solubility and solvation
  • What are intermolecular forces?
  • What role do these forces play in solvation? 
  • Why is the phrase "like dissolves like" employed to explain differences in solubility?
Solubility: Basically how easily something breaks down and is absorbed into another substance.
Solvation: The ionic attraction of molecules (while in a solvent) to other molecules.
Intermolecular forces are the forces of attraction and repulsion betwixt molecules, as indicated by the "inter-" in the name. 
IMFs affect solvation because they decide the strength between molecules, similar to how they affect the boiling point of various chemicals.
"Like dissolves like" is used to explain differences in solubility because, to be brief, solutions will dissolve solutions with similar structures.